You know what a bucket list band is, right? That band that you just NEED to see before you kick it. The discussion came up recently and while there are some that are definitely unattainable (Oingo Boingo, original Alice In Chains, Wall Of Voodoo), others might just happen (AC/DC) while [...]
There is no greater satisfaction than hearing a highly anticipated album for the first time and being reassured that your faith was rightly placed as said album is better than great, maybe better than the best the band has put out and, quite possibly, best of the year. And it’s [...]
There are artists out there that, whenever they put anything new out, immediately bring a smile to listeners faces…not necessarily because the music itself is feel good or happy go lucky but because of a sense of pride that this given artist is continually putting out compelling and exciting new [...]
Boston brings together a very diverse and eclectic collection of artists. On the one hand you have the heavier, sludgier, dirtier side of rawk which permeates the scene more dominantly but on the other side, you have these introspective artists who tend to get overlooked or overshadowed.
Disclaimer: This doesn’t count as a paragraph!
It’s rare that any one song compels us to pull out the old “Singles!” header but damn if The Black Fever’s brand of earnest post-rawk on new track “Marketing” doesn’t hit all the right buttons compelling us to do just that!