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New Releases

Deeper Graves Dig Deep On Majestic Goth Magnum Opus Open Roads

Yearning for more artists to offer up soundtracks for the darkened clubs where wearing all black is a requirement of getting in and you can dance like no one’s watching? Then the debut from Deeper Graves is for you!

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Inter Arma Honor The Greats With Garbers Days Revisited Covers Record

I’ve probably said this before but I’ll say it again: Cover albums are a tricky thing to master. As an artist, you want to honor those that came before while putting your own stamp while also not being too close to the original to make it all pointless while also [...]

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Mushroomhead Offer Up A Wonderful Life On Wonderfully Constructed Throwback Metal Masterpiece

The appeal of Mushroomhead has always eluded me. They came into prosperity and notoriety around the time that Slipknot also began to thrive and, while I wasn’t actively choosing a side, I found myself aligning with the more complex and intense of the two masked outfits. What I missed out [...]

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Lamb Of God Unleash Self-Titled Slab Of Monumental Heaviness With Eighth Full-Length

There’s no doubt about it: The shoes that strike the pedals behind the kit of Chris Adler’s former post are some pretty big ones to fill. Lucky for Lamb Of God (And for us, the fans), the man chosen to fill those shoes is none other than Art Cruz. In [...]

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Singles! Like A Motorcycle, “Wide Awake”

You will not hear a more kickass Rawk song than “Wide Awake” this month. The second taste from the upcoming full-length, Dead Broke, “Wide Awake” is an anthem and a half from the Halifax quartet and a hopeful sign of what’s to come following the release of “Idols” in April.

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The Joy Thieves Conjure Up Industrial’s Next Great Romantic Anthem With Genocide Love Song

I just can’t keep up with the amount of awesome that The Joy Thieves seemingly put out there on the regular.

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