I’m an avid reader but try to stay away from self-help books because they’re just not my thing. I do love autobiographies, though, so if you kind of merge the two then you have piqued my interest. Add that the author is from one of my all-time favorite bands and [...]
On Illusory Things, Lowell’s Darkwave genius Fatigue enter the next stage of their Electro evolution with eleven aural arias of awesome sure to cause a palpitation or two within your Gothic black heart. Written and recorded following surgery and while in self-quarantine (Sounds like the start of my 2020 as [...]
February 7th is significant not only because ESA’s last full-length dropped but it also happens to be the day that I saw my last live show before the shit hit the fan in the world. Since then we’ve had an ongoing apocalypse which has allowed me (some) more time to [...]
There is so much that is right with this two-song split by Howling Giant and Sergeant Thunderhoof. Firstly, can you say epic??? A forty-minute runtime between two bands supplying a song each. Do the math. Secondly, I know of Howling Giant already and they rule. Thirdly, I did not know [...]
Jaye Jayle creates the kind of music that is tantamount to current times. It’s bleak and downtrodden and with Prisyn, pretty quirky and strange….so yeah, pretty much 2020 to a T. On the newest full-length, multi-instrumentalist Evan Patterson teams with Chelsea Wolfe’s Ben Chisholm to concoct the most unique Jaye [...]
I’ll call it here: Generation Antichrist is the best modern Thrash record of 2020. And this is coming from a lifelong Testament fan who realizes that those Bay Area thrashers dropped a new one in April. But I digress.