“Fuck yeah! I’m winning!” As far as I’m concerned and echoing Craig Riggs’ opening statement on the newest KIND record, we’re all winning when it comes to Mental Nudge.
The always reliable Suicide Commando is back with a short blast of Industrial/Electro mayhem that will overload your senses and make you yearn for the days when you could dance like no one is watching actually in public at your favorite club. But I digress.
Listening through the opening salvo from Powdered, the fourth full-length from Cavern is like listening to the yearning of Dallas Green off early Alexisonfire records combined with the complexity of anything the Deftones do. The record is dense and daring, profound, prolific, alluring, and downright amazing.
I know I post a lot about diamonds in the rough while going through the digital promos that come my way on the daily but it is genuinely exciting to discover a new favorite by sheer luck sometimes. Black Magnet is the latest gem and as a lifelong Industrial fan, [...]
“Delightfully different” is the most appropriate description when talking about Manchester, New Hampshire’s Temptress. Breaking out of the Industrial genre after “Chemical” debuted last Halloween (Read all about it in our review here), Against All Odds offers up three brand new tracks that explore the trio’s sound even more by [...]
I have a habit of going through my Facebook memories on the daily especially now just to see how life was when it all wasn’t such a daily shitshow. More often than not I mention music of some sort and one of my recent past searches reminded me of how [...]