There needs to be more artists like Mountain Tamer in the world. The kinds of artists who just consistently bring that pure, unbridled, unrelenting Rawk is what I’m talking about! On their latest offering, Psychosis Ritual, the Los Angeles trio turn the volume and the dosage up to 11 for [...]
A tale of drugs, in-fighting, insecurities, and in-depth stories on the songs and albums you love and more, Simon Young’s authorised biography of Therapy?, So Much For The 30 Year Plan, is an essential read for not only fans of the band but also for music aficionados who love a [...]
Four Stroke Baron records are like the gifts that keep giving. Their last outing (Which you can read all about by clicking here) was Prog perfection and their upcoming record which collects a slew of diverse and new covers as well as re-recorded versions of songs which originally appeared on [...]
Listening through the debut EP from London, Ontario’s The White Swan is akin to a spiritual experience. Wrapped up in a dreamstate surrounded by heavy guitars, stirring synths, and a robust rhythm section, Nocturnal Transmission is a far cry from the former outfit of The White Swan’s Mercedes Lander.
Whoa. Orochen is definitely in the “don’t judge a book…” category. Ignore the scary striped Tasmanian tiger that graces the cover and embrace the sounds because on their third EP, Thylacine, the “Gothenburg-based apocalyptic post-industrial neofolk” (Per their Facebook description) quartet bring to mind Swoon-era Silversun Pickups, The Stone Roses, [...]
My first taste of Led Zeppelin’s “No Quarter”, believe it or not, was the Crowbar version which graced their self-titled record in 1993. That said, I’m obviously a huge Led Zeppelin fan. But I digress.