Forget Morgan Freeman, I want Bill Leeb to narrate every inane facet of my life! With biting tones laid out so smooth, can you really think of anyone else who delivers messages of chaos prophesying the end of days so well? For now, though, I’ll settle by hearing Leeb recite [...]
I have no idea what “Grungecore” is but I know what I like and I definitely like this. “Collapse” is the name of the debut single from New England’s premiere purveyors of the movement known as “Grungecore” and what they purvey is righteous and raucous. So buckle up!
Lauren Lakis is the kind of artist who lives in another plane of existence. She dwells somewhere beyond the scope that we mere mortals can comprehend with the sights and sounds she conjures and ultimately astounds our collective ears and eyes with on the regular. Like she’s done once again [...]
We can’t think of a better way to start 2021 than with a raucous slab of Industrial-fused Electro Metal from local heavies Temptress. “Disarmed” is the name of this game and it’s yet another evolution for the New Hampshire outfit.
It’s an understatement that 2020 was a pretty fucked up year, right? Machine Head was the last live band I saw back in February and a few days after that I found myself in an emergency room with some unexpected surgery to be had (Don’t worry, I’m fine now!) followed [...]
Practice is such and unique blend of indescribable sonic delights. Formed by We Are Scientists, Spill Gold, and Bishop Allen’s former drummer Michael Tapper, Practice hearkens back to a time when music was just fun and with recent single “I Saw Love” (Taken from the forthcoming full-length due in early [...]