It’s never to early to start formulating a list for the best of a given year. Sure, we just finished our 2020 recap and dropped our preview of what we think will be the bee’s knees in 2021 but we’re here to tell you that Trillionaire’s debut, Romulus, is a [...]
As a primer to prepare to sit down and listen to the latest single from A Cause In Distress I took it upon myself to listen to their previous one, “Lumbering”, over and over. And over and over again. And over some more (Okay, like five times in a row [...]
You know how you listen to a new artist or song and can just tell with seconds sometimes that it’s all going to be fire? That’s BLAB and her latest single, “Casual Sex”, which drops soon courtesy of Cool Thing Records.
Jason Bieler is a godsend, okay? And he’s the gift that keeps on giving on any gloomy day, never mind the shit sandwich of a year that we’re just now barely crawling out of. And more importantly, he’s got a brand new record ready for release called Songs For The [...]
Remember last year when we were praising Minnesota’s Amiensus and how they were this Black Metal/Pop amalgamation that was a necessary mindfuck bringing all the good things in the most roundabout way ever? No? Well, read about it here then. All finished? Then back to our point: Members of that [...]
Like Exodus and Venom Prison throwing down, Nervosa triumph with this collision of old school Thrash and new school techniques. On Perpetual Chaos, the Brazilian quartet master the METAL even more with a record that’s both thrilling and thoughtful.