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Lauren Lakis Dazzles While Defying Expectations On Daughter Language

More often than not, and I’m pretty sure I’ve said this here before, if a record is out or I just miss when it streams early for the music buying/listening public then I’ll typically scrap any review plans I may or may not have had…because once it’s out there, what [...]

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Practice Strive For Electro Ecstasy With Not A Game

What an interesting record. And that was all that was written in regards to Not A Game by Practice upon an initial listen through late last year. And it still holds true. Michael Tapper, the man behind the beats of so many modern marvels like Spill Gold, Bishop Allen and [...]

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LizZard Add More Cerebral Soliloquies To Sonic Palette On Fantastic Fourth Full-Length Eroded

It’s rare in this day and age that you get excited each and every time an artist you dig puts out something new. I mean, everyone goes through ups and downs, peaks and valleys but sometimes, just sometimes, you find an artist that just hits that mark every single time [...]

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Sacred Reich Celebrate Seminal Albums Ignorance, Surf Nicaragua, And The American Way With Brand Spankin’ New Metal Blade Reissues

I’m a late-to-the-party metalhead, okay? As in started my Thrash education with …And Justice For All and Countdown To Extinction kind of late. But from there, I went back and discovered the rich history of the genre and opened my ears to the outliers like Testament, Flotsam & Jetsam, and [...]

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The Neverlutionaries Traverse A Range Of Genres On Wonderful Musical Melting Pot Of A Self-Titled Debut

The Neverlutionaries in a nutshell is the more accessible aspects of Alice In Chains’ brand of Grunge, the Funk-driven Rawk of Living Colour with hints of Chuck Moseley and Reverend & The Makers in the vocal department making for the most wonderful musical melting pot on their self-titled debut.

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DURBIN Celebrates The METAL On Triumphant The Beast Awakens

I’ll be honest, I got way too excited when this bad boy popped up in my inbox. Hearing “Kings Before You” when it was initially unveiled late last year was kind of a revelation. Sure, James Durbin was always the “rocker” when featured on American Idol but saying that on [...]

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