Around these parts, we like to throw the word “Epic” out there quite a bit. Mostly because it’s the best descriptor when trying to accurately express how massive something sounds. And after hearing only the first song off Wheel’s upcoming magnum opus, Resident Human, we’re afraid that that term is [...]
Etemen Ænka, the latest slab of awesome from Dvne (Pronounced “Dune”) is like the perfect Prog pinnacle when At The Drive-In’s more raucous moments collide with Mastodon’s refined riffage. And as far as second records go, Etemen Ænka is undeniably a triumph from the first blast straight through to the [...]
As a massive fan, I try to limit how often I throw out comparisons to Kyuss (And, to a lesser extent, Queens of the Stone Age) but with Greenleaf, it’s kinda hard not to as it’s rightly deserved. “Good God I Better Run Away” in particular is like this ferocious [...]
Pupil Slicer make the kind of heavy that compelled us to resurrect “Untitled Metal Column” for the first time in over a year. We don’t use this column for any reason and only clean the mothballs off when it’s something really deserving like this London-based trio that is rightly being [...]
Sometimes a promo for a band that I don’t listen to on the regular comes across ye olde digital desk and I have to go back to see what I’ve covered in the past for research which often turns to regret. Regret because, more often than not and especially in [...]
Blues-fueled Alternative Rawk is the name of the game when it comes to Shedonist’s latest single, “Daddy”, so if you grew up in the ’80’s and ’90’s like I did then you’re in for a treat. And if you didn’t, you’re still in for a treat because the new song [...]