Whenever we get a promo with barely a week or less to go before a release it tends to get pushed to the bottom of the “must cover” pile as there’s usually a bunch of other stuff that’s had our attention for some time (Again, we listen to EVERYTHING that [...]
Like Greg Puciato simultaneously fronting The Kinison, He Is Legend, and Refused circa The Shape of Punk to Come, The Nika Riots immediately stand apart with the righteous Rawk they bring forth on the incendiary Derelict. Barring those comparisons, the music itself is simultaneously textured, divine, and unrelenting and with [...]
Easily one of our most anticipated releases for about 2 years now, FOZZY return with their 8th full-length this May and it is well worth the wait after the unexpected banger-maker that Judas turned out to be. In fact, you know what? I’m just going to come out and say [...]
If you were over the moon for Tombstones In Their Eyes’ last release like we were then we’re pretty sure, like us, that the follow up EP that hits soon is really gonna blow yer socks off. Or whatever you put on your feet because not everyone wears socks. But [...]
Boston’s Idler Wheel is back with a new single ahead of a new album arriving in late May and if the rest of the rekkid is anything like “Matches” then fans are in for a treat and then some. Actually, we’ve heard said album that “Matches” is the lead single [...]
Wow, Lowell is really bringing it lately! Within the last month or so alone we’ve covered artists from the city in Middlesex County who are exquisitely brandishing variations of Darkwave, Alt-Folk, and more with Tysk Tysk Task arriving and adding to that list with their self-described “Indie Grunge Rock”. Read [...]