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Singles! Stormstress, “Paint The Mask”

Ahead of their live debut on February 28th at ONCE Ballroom in Somerville, Boston’s Stormstress has unveiled their debut single that’s sure to appease fans of their former outfit Flight of Fire as well as Rawk fans hungry for some fresh, original material with some kick.

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Untitled Metal Column: Today Is The Day, No Good To Anyone

There are some records that come across my digital desk that, regardless of how invested I am with the artist personally, are just important and need to be in the spotlight. Like Today Is The Day. Who is legendary. And has persevered. And produced not only a wealth of sonic [...]

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Tombs Delivers Satisfyingly Sinister Sonic Tour-De-Force With Monarchy Of Shadows

Tombs is an odd duck and an outfit that’s often overlooked and not nearly praised enough for constantly pushing the boundaries of their sonic palette. One moment you get straight up Post-something Metal from them then the next they’re merging Joy Division and Satyricon in interesting ways. Regardless, whatever Tombs [...]

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Singles! War On Alexandria, “Give Me Company”

Upon reading the announcement of a new single from Boston’s War On Alexandria, I absent-mindedly favorited the track over on Spotify without even giving it a listen because what they’ve already accomplished with their small body of work thus far has instilled the kind of confidence to do just that. [...]

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SEA Deliver Godzilla-Sized Colossus Of An Album With Impermanence, Celebrate With Appropriately Epic Record Release Party

Listening through the five track magnum opus that is Impermanence by Boston’s SEA and I’m brought back to the last beast that Neurosis unleashed in 2016 and pondering how much can be said within a seemingly small amount of tracks. It also helps if the tracks within each of those [...]

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ESA Unleashes Bold Industrial Behemoth With Burial 10

Like the second coming of Cubanate and a slightly less abrasive Author & Punisher, ESA deliver an album that’s bold, stunning, and definitely what the future of Industrial music should sound like with Burial 10.

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