We’re breaking into the movies, kids! Sort of. While in our genesis, we dabbled in lots of different kinds of reviews to find our footing and, if memory serves, there is at least one posted movie review in our archives somewhere. That said, it takes a special kind of event [...]
I don’t do too many negative reviews on this site because, as I’ve said in the past, I don’t have the time to waste on something that’s already wasted my time. That said, with the level of disappointment I had after seeing the last movie I was really looking forward [...]
Witty and paying homage to the original without being cheesy or tongue-in-cheek, Halloween (2018) is the sequel that fans of the series have been clamoring and yearning for.
Ah, fuck it! I was all poised to do another “Top 14 of 14” music list and then Bostonregina inspired me yet again to do a post like hers from last year (And hopefully this year, bb????) Anywho, without further adieu, here’s the RNRF Editor’s pick for 2014: Best Album: [...]
So, I’m going to give this a try…I’m halfway drunk and going to liveblog this potentially fucking awesome/terrible movie. We have an extra copy on hand (don’t ask), so entertain me in the comments — if you can make me spill my wine, you win. Of course, you’ll have to [...]
Best Album: AM by Arctic Monkeys Hot damn, these boys. I remember when they were pimply and floppy haired and playing Oasis covers in whatever basement would have them. Now they’re all slick-coiffed and wearing leather. Their time in the desert with Mr. Josh Homme continues to do them well. [...]