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Live Shows

Boston! Combichrist loves you. Now die! (Live at Paradise, 4/8/14)

Editor’s note: Running a blog by yourself can be hard. Especially coming up with new content to compete with every other Tom, Dick, & Jane out there. Sometimes you can’t cover everything you want and in some cases, by the time you get around to covering something you really, really [...]

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Kristen Ford bids Boston adieu at the Middle East on May 24th!

Courage comes in many forms. There’s facing your fears head on, quitting a job you hate to take care of your kids, running into a burning building while others run away, or leaving behind the city you know and love to live in a van and tour full time. While [...]

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Where You Should Be This Weekend: The Irrepressibles at The Middle East 3/15/14

Music doesn’t get much more jaw dropping than the kind that The Irrepressibles make. Take the lush tones that Bright Light Bright Light create and combine it with the raw sonic power that Antony & The Johnsons emit vocally (With a vibrato that’s to die for) and you’ll have a [...]

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Skinny Puppy “Shapes for Arms” live at Boston’s Royale 2/15/14

First of all, I’d like us all to bow our collective heads and observe a moment of silence for Pennsylvania and the Trocadero who not only postponed their scheduled Skinny Puppy show due to some nasty weather but eventually cancelled the thing all together (There will not be a rescheduled [...]

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