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Scooter Ward: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

“You gotta play it with your heart, you got to feel the song.” Our interview with Cold mastermind Scooter Ward was conducted on Layne Staley’s birthday and clocked in at exactly 13:13. If that doesn’t scream “SERENDIPITY” then I don’t know what does. But I digress.

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Daniel Graves: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

Aesthetic Perfection is back with their first new record in almost 4 years and we’re ecstatic! In fact, you can read how excited we are by clicking on our review of Into The Black here. But I digress.

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Kenny Irwin: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

“The most important part of Motherboar, in my opinion, is that we don’t take ourselves or our music too seriously. We just want to go out, melt faces and have a blast in the process….oh, and spit beer on people sometimes.”

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Dan Dinsmore: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

There’s a lot of layers to Dan Dinsmore. When he’s not creating a glorious maelstrom of unique beats with The Clay People he can be found running his web design and development/PR/Marketing firm Overit or co-managing one of our favorite labels, Magnetic Eye Records, alongside founder Mike Vitali. Yet he [...]

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Cristina Scabbia: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

“We like the idea of getting involved in a lot of things that are creatively interesting.”

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Kenny Hickey: A Rock and Roll Fables Conversation

Watching a Silvertomb show, featuring former Type O Negative guitarist Kenny Hickey and drummer Johnny Kelly, is equally a transcendent and cathartic experience. Rounded out by Joseph James on guitar, Aaron Joos on keys, backing vocals, and guitar, and the indomitable Hank Hell and his fierce stage presence on bass, [...]

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