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Album Reviews

36 Crazyfists Return With A Furious Batch Of New Tunes On Lanterns

36 Crazyfists is an odd duck of a metal band. Always have been. They were emo before it was cool within the genre and lumped in with metalcore when it wasn’t. Hell, I even sold my copy of their Roadrunner Records debut because I didn’t give it a chance the [...]

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Grave Pleasures Deliver Impressive Gothic Rawk On Century Media Debut

Now THIS is the record I wanted as Beastmilk dissolved and Grave Pleasures rose from the ashes. Motherblood is one hell of an album as it is but knowing it shares DNA with Climax makes it that much more enjoyable. As a Century Media Records debut, it’s amazing. As the [...]

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Noah Gundersen Marries Electronica With Americana Perfectly On White Noise

So this is some pretty epic and glorious stuff right here.

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Eldridge Rodriguez Go Synth, Still Rawk On So Hard

I picture “So Hard”, the latest and greatest single from Boston’s Eldridge Rodriguez, in a John Hughes or some other coming of age dramedy where the main character has a great revelation about their feelings for a girl or a boy. And there’s running. And probably a montage. And maybe [...]

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Enter Shikari Create A Perfect Storm Of Sonic Excellence With The Spark

I liken Enter Shikari’s musical adventure and sonic growth to Pitchshifter in a way. Much like how Pitchshifter developed from this Godflesh-style beast and morphed into a techno/electro hybrid with clean vocals, Enter Shikari has taken that baton and run even further in their progression.

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Drab Majesty Pull Light From The Dark On Tribute 7″ Oak Wood

You ever have a song that completely pushes you over the edge of REALLY wanting to shell out some dough to go to a show? Let me rephrase that: Do you ever find yourself hearing a song that compels you to buy tickets to a show by an artist that [...]

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