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Boston’s Big Time Kill Lay Down Some Big Time Sounds On Debut EP

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If you like your Information Society a little heavier or prefer your Revolting Cocks under the rule of Josh Bradford then Boston’s Big Time Kill is an outfit you need to check out.

Synthetic symphonies with a hefty does of heavy thrown in for good measure, Big Time Kill combine the more guitar-driven aspects of Industrial with a wistful ode to New Wave to create a unique sound all their own.

“Hold On” begins and is a statement of intent with Adam Schneider’s smoothe vocals guiding the brash fuzz of the guitars and programmed beats provided by Schneider and fellow BTK-er Ben Caccia. “Please” is a raucous good time and sees Schneider adopt a manic vocal style a la Jello Biafra or the aforementioned Bradford on a song that at its most intense sounds like the best Ministry had to offer in the late ’80’s/early ’90’s.

If melody is your thang then how about “It’s Nothing Personal” which is filled with enough hooks to keep you captivated until its massive chorus that will completely own your soul.

Rounded out by electro-rocker “Are You Ready For Love?” and the Julien-K meets Pretty Hate Machine “Gone”, Big Time Kill prove on their first outing to be ones to watch with a diverse line up of songs and an originality all their own.

Big Time Kill is available now via Bandcamp, Itunes, and Amazon. For more on Big Time Kill, head on over to their official Facebook page or check them out on October 17th at PA’s Lounge in Somerville (Or Providence on October 13th).

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